Educational Articles For Educators
2nd Grade ELA BEST Standards
What can second-grade teachers expect from the new Florida BEST Standards for language arts?
BEST Standards Posters & Checklists Teacher Resources
Over the next school year, Florida’s ELA and Math standards will be replaced with B.E.S.T. To help teachers prepare for the BEST standards, I am updating all of my Posters and Checklists to the new standards.
3 Types of Classroom Assessment Every Teacher Should Use
Have you ever graded a set of tests and wondered why the grades weren’t better? In this post, I will focus on the three types that teachers can build into their instructional units: diagnostic, formative, and summative.
How to Effectively Teach Greek & Latin Roots
Knowing roots and affixes can help students determine the meaning of new words. This blog post will look at ways to teach roots and affixes effectively.
5 Problems with Interactive Notebooks & How to Solve Them
Most teachers have a love/hate relationship with interactive notebooks. In this blog, we discuss 5 problems with interactive notebooks and how you can solve them!
How To Teach Artemis Fowl Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer is one of my favorite science fiction novels for upper elementary students. Read this blog for ideas on how to teach this novel!